Umang Collection '23 | NSS, BITS Pilani

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Umang Collection '23 | NSS, BITS Pilani

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Give a child a fish and you feed him for a day;
 teach a child to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” 
Greetings from NSS BITS Pilani!

 “What is the worth of a welfare state if its children cannot attend school to get educated in the formative years of their lives?” 
 Education is the most powerful tool in eliminating poverty and guaranteeing everyone has access to freedom. Families often cannot afford to send their children to school, leaving millions of children of school-age deprived of education. The pandemic has made the situation worse, and more children are dropping out of school because their parents lost their jobs.
 Each year we organize UMANG Collection with great enthusiasm, where we, students of BITS Pilani, come together to raise money for the underprivileged students in and around Pilani. 
 With this vision, We launch UMANG Collection ‘23, an annual fundraiser under PROJECT UMANG in collaboration with NSS BITS Pilani. Umang Collection is one of the most successful fundraisers on the campus. Every year we try to maximize the number of students we can sponsor under our scholarship programs. Umang makes sure that the process is completely transparent. The donations made would be directly deducted from the SWD account. Last year we were able to utilize the funds collected to give the gift of education to over 100+ students across 12 schools under the Umang Scholarship program. We successfully registered 25 students to a private school under Project Pragya (An initiative to make education accessible to the children living in the slums of Pilani).
UMANG Collection dates: 24th March to 26th March
Our volunteers will conduct Mess Signings on 24th March during Lunch Hour in your respective messes for Umang Collection ‘23.See you there!
 For more information about UMANG Collection, Click here.
 For any doubts, contact the undersigned.
 Priyansh Jain +91 7340429593
 Aditya Verma +91 9783570132

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