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Fwd: Quiz on Quality and Standards being held on Diksha Portal by Bureau of Indian Standards on 20 Jun 2024| Cash Prize

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:48 am
by associate.dean.srcd
From: "TNMD BIS" <>
To: "SCMD BIS" <>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2024 4:21:44 PM
Subject: Quiz on Quality and Standards being held on Diksha Portal by Bureau of Indian Standards on 20 Jun 2024

Bureau of Indian Standards is organizing a Quiz competition on Quality and Standards on Diksha Portal with the support from NCERT, Ministry of Education. The details of the Quiz are as follows:

1. Participation: Open to all citizens of India.
2. Date: 20 Jun 2024
3. Time: 09:00AM to 5:00PM (Quiz duration is 2 hours only)
4. Format: 15 Questions in 2 hours. Multiple choice questions with 1 correct answer.
5. Gratifications: a. Ten First Prizes of Rs. 25,000 /- each, b. Ten Second Prizes of Rs. 15,000/- each, c. Forty Third Prizes of Rs. 10,000/- each, and d. Fifty Consolation Prizes of Rs. 5,000/- each.
e. Participation Certificate for all participants.
The link for accessing the quiz will be shared as soon as the same is provided by NCERT/Diksha Portal. 
Kindly circulate it among the nodal officers of MoU institutes for sharing with deans and college students.
The participants may also be advised to familiarize themselves with the Know Your Standards option on BIS Care App and BIS Website which is essential for answering questions in the Quiz.
सादर | Regards,
टीएनएमडी | Think, Nudge and Move Department
भारतीय मानक ब्‍यूरो | Bureau of Indian Standards