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Placement Season 2023-2024 || Interest Capture

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 12:54 pm
by placement
**Intended for students graduating in 2024 only**

Dear Students,
We request all 2024 graduating students, sitting for Placements in either of the semesters in 2023-2024 to kindly fill the form appended to the mail. 

Form link -

The Placement Interest Capture is a crucial step in the placement process that allows us to understand your career aspirations and preferences. We urge you to complete the Interest Capture Form no later than 20th May, 2023, failing to comply with which might lead to a deduction in your placement points. 

Furthermore, we wish to inform the students that the Superset platform is now accessible for those participating in Semester-1 placements. Please note that you may register for only one placement cycle. Students opting for dual PS should participate for Semester-2 placements compulsorily. The portal will be made accessible to Semester-2 applicants soon and more information will be communicated accordingly. 

Thanks & Regards,
Placement Unit